Deodorant recipes

The word deodorant is somewhat confusing in Dutch. Deodorant means to de-odour, but usually a deodorant does something different. It may cover the scent with a nice scent, making the sweat smell less obvious. It is also possible that a deodorant prevents sweating, so that less sweat odour occurs. In English the latter is called an antiperspirant, in Dutch it would be an antiperspirant. We have recipes for all kinds.OriginDeodorants against sweat odour were actually only developed from the late 19th century. More and more people started doing office work and the smell of sweat was no longer appreciated there. The purpose of the sweat smell is to be sexually attractive. This applies especially to sweat that is produced in certain places, such as under the armpits. People make this from puberty, but nowadays you will repel more than attract.FragranceAs for the perfume: it is a suggestion, feel free to use a different mixture, another perfume oil or another essential oil.

Roll-on bottle deodorant

A deodorant for a roll-on bottle needs to be thickened a bit, so that a nice layer is placed on the skin. The roll-on bottle deodorant is easy to make, but watch out for lumps!

Please note that the deo active Odex is discontinued. This recipe will therefore be removed in the future.


  • 3 ml Glycerin [10630]
  • 3 ml Odex [10620]
  • 0.5 g Xanthan gum [16102]
  • 12 drops FO May bells [21104]
  • 25 ml (= 20 g) Cosmetic hair water [29550]
  • 30 ml (= 30 g) fresh tap water
  • 2 Dropper pipettes plastic 3 ml [30110]
  • Dropper pipette 1 ml [30111]
  • Measuring spoon plastic 2.5 ml [30107]
  • Roll on bottle 50 ml glass – complete [14041]
  • Beaker 100 ml [30037]
  • Measuring cylinder 50 ml LM [30013]


Read this method carefully first. Mix the raw materials in the beaker in the order indicated. After adding each subsequent substance, stir everything well (you can just use a teaspoon or so), this way you avoid lumps. Once the tap water has been added, stir well and put 50 ml in a deodorant roller. Glycerine, Odex and fragrance oil FO May bells can best be added with a plastic pipette. Xanthan can be weighed, but 0.5g is about half a measuring spoon of plastic 2.5ml, so you can do that too. You can weigh the Cosmetic hair water and water, but also measure it with a measuring cylinder of 50 ml. The end result is a white liquid, about as thick as vegetable sauce. Pour this into the bottle of the deodorant roller and press the roller firmly on it. Twist the cap on. A label completes it all.

The roll-on deodorant does not need to be preserved, because of the high percentage of alcohol it will not spoil easily, the deodorant can usually be kept for several months.

The effect is based on the active ingredient Odex, which neutralizes certain sulfur and nitrogen compounds from the sweat because it hangs on these odour molecules. Because these fragrances in particular are regarded as unpleasant, the problem has been solved.

Lemon deodorant

A lemon-themed recipe, this lemon deodorant is made for an atomizer bottle.


– 40 ml tap water
– 5 g citric acid
– 60 ml Cosmetic hair water
– 2g Triethyl Citrate
– 20 drops of EO Lemongrass (org)


Dissolve the citric acid in the water until all the granules have dissolved. In addition, mix the rest of the ingredients. Pour both solutions together and stir well. Put the solution in a bottle with an atomizer. In addition to the ingredients, also provide pipettes, measuring cups, measuring spoons and, if desired, a funnel.

The high percentage of alcohol ensures that no preservative is needed. Even without the alcohol, the deodorant would not go bad easily, because the deodorant is very acidic. We have measured a pH (acidity) of 2.7 in the lemon deodorant ourselves, there are few microorganisms that can last that long.

The lemon theme consists of the citric acid (citric acid powder from De Hekserij, not lemon juice from the supermarket, that’s something completely different), triethyl citrate, which is a compound (ester) of citric acid and alcohol and the essential oil made from a tropical grass. All ingredients in this mixture, except the water, prevent the growth of micro-organisms, which are the main causes of sweat odour. The essential oil also gives off a nice scent.

Alum deodorant

At the turn of the century, it was once again fashionable: alum deodorant. Alum is somewhat less mild than many other antiperspirants, but is considered more natural by some. It works fine.


  • 85 ml fresh tap water
  • ± 15 g Alum
  • A HENRI bottle of 100 ml
  • A HENRI atomizer attachment
  • Possibly a funnel
  • Possibly measuring spoon 2.5 ml


Cut the riser to the correct length: when the atomizer attachment is screwed onto the bottle, it should fit loosely into the corner of the bottle. If it is too long, the closure can become loose. If this is too short, you cannot completely empty the bottle.

Put the alum in the bottle, you can do this with a suitable, dry funnel. You can use a scale, but you can also use a measuring spoon. A full, level measuring spoon of alum contains approximately 3 grams of alum. Top up with fresh tap water. Twist the atomizer cap onto the bottle and shake well. When all alum dissolves, add some more, until not all alum dissolves. We can’t make it simpler than this.

Alum deodorant is very acidic and contains nothing that micro-organisms can eat. The atomizer doesn’t get contaminated with junk on the skin like a roller does, so as long as there’s just a little undissolved alum in the bottle, the chance of spoilage is minimal.

This is a deodorant and antiperspirant. The alum solution is acidic and thus creates a nasty environment for micro-organisms. In addition, the aluminum particles react with fatty acids and other substances secreted by the sweat glands, which partially clogs the sweat ducts. As a result, less sweat is excreted.

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