
De Hekserij does not sell products intended for use in or with foodstuffs, or for other internal use.

Our pipettes are not intended for whiskey. We don’t sell sodium alginate intended for molecular cooking. We do not sell sodium bicarbonate intended for treating heartburn.

Why not?

There are laws and regulations for the processing, packaging and trading of foodstuffs and food raw materials.

These laws and regulations are pretty extensive. Obviously all items must be handled hygienically. Though we work in a hygienic way, we are not adhering to the strict rules stated in food legislation. We need to have other protocols. Our way of administration is not sufficient. We should have declarations from our suppliers that each raw material is suitable for use as foodstuffs. That also applies to the packaging. Even the spoons, trays and other tools we use have to be food-grade.

All this takes a lot of time and money. Not a problem in itself if we wanted to trade in foodstuffs, but that was never our goal. Our products are intended for making cosmetics and perfumes. For doing experiments. For education, research and development in those areas, but not in the field of cooking, for example.

Because it is not our goal and it would make our products more expensive, we will not comply with rules unnecessary for us.

Quality and knowledge

In addition, we sell various substances in a quality that is not suitable for internal use due to purity or impurity of the product. The quality may be excellent for cosmetics or for testing, but not for internal use.

For other products it is recommended that you have the necessary knowledge. For example, many of our essential oils will not cause problems when used internally if used wisely. But you would need to know which oil can be used internally, and in what dose.

But I have been using your product X internally for years!

Several of our products will not pose a major risk when used internally in a safe manner. However, there are exceptions. In addition, some substances are not acutely (immediately) dangerous, but are chronically (over the course of years).


We do not recommend making toothpaste, with one exception. That exception is: toothpaste as an experiment in education. It is a rewarding experiment, also on open days. Provided that the toothpaste is only used once, on the day it is made.

Regular use is not recommended. Not only because the quality of the pasta is difficult to estimate. Also, a toothpaste without fluoride makes no real contribution to dental health. A toothpaste without fluoride is only cosmetic: to look more beautiful. Fluorides in pure form are far too dangerous to work with, making it impossible to make a good toothpaste safely.

The following of our raw materials can be used in toothpaste and mouthwash for educational or occasional use, we do not recommend any others:

  • 10101 – Betaine (CAPB) Hx – Up to 3%
  • 10311 – Methylparaben – Maximum 0.4%
  • 10630 – Glycerin – Up to 60%
  • 13007 – Calcium carbonate – No maximum
  • 16102 – Xanthan gum – Up to 5%
  • 16104 – Guar flour – Up to 5%
  • 20105 – EO Peppermint – Maximum 0.8%
  • 20108 – EO Wintergreen – Maximum 0.4%
  • 20135 – EO Cornmint – Maximum 0.8%

Our aluminium tubes can be used for packaging toothpaste. HexaCol water-soluble dye: a few drops per tube of toothpaste won’t hurt.

Na de vakantie is de levertijd tijdelijk langer dan gebruikelijk.
After our holidays our leadtime is temporarily longer than usual.